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Wrongful Discharge Attorneys for Vermont and New Hampshire

We Can Fight for You!

If you were terminated from employment, there are probably countless thoughts running through your head: “Did I do something wrong?” “Did a co-worker say something bad about me?” “How will I move forward from this?” If you believe there is no fair reason behind your employment discharge and you were wrongfully terminated as a result, our lawyer is prepared to advocate on your behalf.

Employment laws regulate a vast range of employer-employee relations, including wrongful discharge. As such, it’s important that you retain the experienced and skilled attorneys at Marsicovetere & Levine Law Group, P.C. to help you overcome your overwhelming issue. We understand the confusion and stress associated with your unlawful discharge and will fight tirelessly to pursue satisfactory damages on your behalf.

Your ex-employer should pay damages for what they’ve done to you. Contact our team online or by calling (802) 296-6200 to learn how we can help!

What Is Wrongful Discharge?

Wrongful discharge or termination refers to any unlawful reason behind breaching an employment contract, public policy or a specific law. There are several illegal elements that may play a role in your discharge:

  • Discrimination — Based on gender, race, age, sex, disability, religion, national origin, etc.
  • Retaliation — Your employer may retaliate against you if they find out you are a whistleblower who reported workplace violations such as:
    • Safety and health
    • Tax laws
    • Environmental policy
    • Health insurance
    • Food safety
    • Securities laws
    • Motor vehicle safety
    • Financial reform
  • Violation of public policy — Taking time off work for jury duty, voting, refusing to submit to a requested illegal act, whistleblowing, etc.
  • Breach of contract — If you were not an at-will employee and were fired for reasons other than what was stated in your contract, you may file a claim.

What Is an At-Will Employee & Why Does It Matter?

At-will employment is an arrangement in which the employee may quit at any time, and the employer may fire the employee for any reason that is not illegal. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “At-will also means that an employer can change the terms of the employment relationship with no notice and no consequences. For example, an employer can alter wages, terminate benefits, or reduce paid time off.”

This means that your employer can do anything they want without telling you and without your permission, as long as it’s not illegal. As a result, you may be fired for vague or false reasons. Even though you voluntarily agreed to be an at-will employee, that doesn’t mean you should be terminated for something that isn’t your fault.

We can fight to prove that your employer illegally discharged you so you can receive rightful compensation.

Filing a Civil Lawsuit for Wrongful Termination

Our wrongful discharge attorneys obtain 25+ years of experience helping people file civil lawsuits for the injustice they suffered at the hands of their employer. You may be entitled to the following damages:

  • Economic damages
  • Compensatory damages
  • Punitive damages

Our team can help you file a wrongful termination claim and explain your options carefully and thoroughly. We can help you understand what damages may be awarded to you and provide effective legal counsel from start to finish. We are committed to negotiating for a fair outcome on your behalf and will do everything it takes to bring you the peace of mind you deserve.

During an emotional time like this, you need empathetic and strategic attorneys on your side. Contact us online or by calling (802) 296-6200 so we can get started!